Alex I was surprised with the volume of the paddles aswell but like @BritishBean I noticed I race for the most part with my fingers resting on the paddles and it does dampen them quite a bit.
I’m still tweaking button positions. I think I have ACC set up the way I want. Maybe. But I’m sure I’ll be adjusting that over the new season that is beginning. IRacing layout I have no clue about. At the moment I literally have the gears, cycle black box, pit limiter and look left and right. No clue about what else.
I like the wee red toggle switches. After faffing around I found I liked flicking the right one down to switch the car on and pushing it up to start the engine in ACC. Would probably make sense to have it mapped to the big N protected button. ACC I could map that as a press to start and hold to turn the engine over. That might be an option… I’m rambling now, ignore me.
Glad you’re enjoying it. I have found the button placement more intuitive than the G29 but still miss my dpad. The placement of that feels odd for me but I’m getting used to it. Also remember that it rotates aswell to give you another rotary. Versatile wheel for sure.