I think the thing that gets missed when reviewers gush all over these games is the bit they don’t see until after it’s been reviewed. The most important innovation in Demons Souls was the online stuff IMO. Even if you don’t sunbro, the ghosts giving you clues to secret doors or chests or ambushes, blood stains, the messages.
Especially the messages actually . “But hole” jokes aside, some of the stuff that gets laid down is straight up amazing. It adds so much to the experience.
Today (minor spoiler if that) I fell foul of a cunning trap in the early area which teleported me to the arse end of the map, with tough enemies and no obvious way out. It was quite tough. Although the answer as always was to just run through.
Anyway. The area was full of messages. Including this one which is still making me chuckle.

FROM’s real genius is in the systems that allow everyone to make each other laugh until they cough their lungs up.