T500 maybe?
I wouldn’t dismiss the Logitech wheels. They did us both proud for years. And you do get a lot of silly audiophile level “Princess and the pea” talk about wheels. Right down to the terminology used.
Likely the noise they heard is from clipping which is almost always down to the user trying to max out the ffb strength when they need to be focused on detail.
The more expensive wheels are “better” (at a massive price premium) but really and truly the Logitech G series gave me years of enjoyment. I can’t say I ever “felt” the gears if the force feedback was set correctly. I felt less detail but it was smooth.
Arguably trying to get maximum force on any wheel is a mistake, but on the cheaper wheels you just drown out the detail. Almost exactly like equivalent speakers.
Before Xmas I tried the g29 on Forza (with an adaptor to make it compatible) and I had a whale of a time.
And to be honest. Until you get used to driving with a wheel in a sim, the outlay for the more premium ones may well be a waste.
Don’t forget, Stoffel Vandoorne was mighty with a g29 last year and had to be persuaded to shift over to fanatec. I’m not convinced it wasn’t fanatec that persuaded him either.
The biggest jump by far is going from a pad to the g series or equivalent. After that, it’s smaller steps.