Gordon Brave Good point. For clarity, from now on we should refer to Demon’s Souls as DS1, Dark Souls as DS2, Dark Souls 2 as DS3 and Dark Souls 3 as DS4.
Brave Gordon I’m beginning to see how Microsoft got their naming conventio… Nope. Still don’t understand it.
Gammerz Demon’s Soul should be DS0 to avoid an MS naming disaster. I’m gonna apply for the “vacant” position of “Head of Naming” at MS. If dragon A is like dragon B, then dragon B must also be like dragon A (“like” is symmetric).
Gordon https://www.gamespot.com/articles/demons-souls-ps5-fractured-mode-respec-world-tendency-details/1100-6483887/
Gordon It really does. If you have the opportunity to watch it on a big telly, go and do so immediately 🙂