MadAndy Pirates didn’t get it - oddly that was a serious concern.
Brave Star Wars Begins Why the human race continues to promote sociopaths to the highest levels of power I’ll never understand.
DrDamn Brave can’t properly credit the origin of this but … why are space wars always depicted with laser weapons, when in reality a single stone thrown at high speed can damage a lot of things? not just a single stone…. once upon a time… a small scout ship was being pursued by a larger attacker. the scout electronics were better, and the ecm prevented the corvette from hitting it with lasers or missile fire. on the other hand, the scout didn’t have a beam weapon got enough to do more that scorch the paint of the warship in desperation, the scout pilot dismounted the furniture from his salon, and everything else that wasn’t bolted down and was not critical to the operation of his ship. all this debris was loaded into the cargo airlock. he carefully computed his orbit around the world he’d been exploring, the path of the corvette, likely course changes, etc…and at the right instant jettisoned the bric a brac. two orbital passes later, the cloud of debris blindsided the corvette at 6 km/s…. the couch from the salon, a nice comfy thing that could recline into a bed, tore through the engineering section of the hunter….. upon returning to base, during debriefing, there was skepticism that a sleeper couch could kill a warship the scout rewrote his report, indicating that he’d destroyed the enemy with…a futon torpedo. Sorry 🤭
Jonbwfc Brave it’s crazy. This was literally the plot of the first five minutes of the film ‘Gravity’, and that ended with effectively the destruction of everything that lives in low earth orbit. I genuinely don’t know what the hell they were thinking.
Gammerz With GPS guided weapons needing satellites plus the intel they can supply, achieving “space supremacy” will move the battlefield into space. It’s a just matter of time.
DrDamn The joke was originally sent to me by one of the GM’s in a roleplaying game group I play with. I had a character in his campaign who could manipulated air and killed the end of campaign boss (thanks partly to a lucky die roll) by slamming a sofa into him. 😃
Jonbwfc DrDamn is this an RPG in the ‘Control’ universe? That’s pretty much what I did for most of that game. Actually, a ‘control’ ttrpg would be properly fun.
MadAndy Gammerz also, no chance of going up to fix it like they did (several times) with Hubble. Fingers crossed.
Gammerz MadAndy Especially Hubble’s initial “contact lens” fix. There’s a chance they can use robots, but that’d be very tricky and probably only for refuelling.