DrDamn It’s the fuzzy bit which is part of Orion’s which is the interesting bit. Orion nebula M42. You can just see it in yours.
Jogort So back off to work sometime this week and heading to Batam, Indonesia (hopefully avoid any Corona sickness 😝 ) taking my camera n tripod as this job is onshore so will do some more practicing and see what I can get over there. Bedtime reading bought also 😱😜
Jogort Had a wee play again last night as it was very clear (and pretty damn chilly) Venus is passing Pleiades over the next week or so Looking towards the east coast Was taking a 50 stack of longer exposures, was pretty late but still someone passing by 🤣
Gammerz You can see improved crater definition by waiting for a crescent moon, as the shadow angle make the features more pronounced.
Jogort Yeah I’ll give it a go soon, I wasn’t out for the moon so much but thought I’d get a few shots as it was giving me grief trying to get milkyway shots. Anytime I’m getting clear skies I’m getting closer to full moons too which isn’t useful 🤣☹️
Jogort Here’s one of the Pinwheel Galaxy from a couple of nights ago from the garden. It’s taken with a 70-300mm lens at full zoom. Un-edited as yet just zoomed and cropped. I was quite surprised I could get it without a telescope to be honest.
Gammerz That’s very clear. Only 22 million LYs away! I’ve never seen that one, even though it’s in Usra Major, so should be quite easy to find. The Whirlpool galaxy is in the same constellation.. I think I once found the Andromeda galaxy with a very small telescope, but it wasn’t as clear as this. Did it look like this through the viewfinder or has this been made clearer with a long exposure?
Jogort Yeah I was quite happy with it, I took a few shots at 2 minute exposures but haven’t gotten round to stacking them yet, that can help get rid of noise, will see how it looks after that. Unfortunately not gonna have a chance to do any snapping for a while, going to China for a 4 month job 😭😭😭
Jogort I’ll be on a ship and won’t have my camera gear with me. Not easy trying to get a steady image while the boat’s rocking 🤣🤣
Gammerz Here’s one I took earlier. That Deep Field image of the galaxies really drives home the enormity of the universe. Total Perspective Vortex stuff.
Jogort Gammerz hah yeah I was just reading that, insane pictures and does truly show how insignificant we are.