BritishBean I think we’ll see the Lockhart at 300 and the series X at 400 or slightly below. Last gen, the killer blow was right at the start when PS4 came in way cheaper then x1.
They launched x1 at £429 and Sony immediately murdered them by coming in so far under that price point it was laughable.
These consoles have always been a loss leader, but even more so for MS now. They want gamepass everywhere so I think they’ll sacrifice immediate profits.
The one thing that makes it hard to figure out is what they’re going to do with x1x. I was reading the other day that Lockhart is 4TF, while the x1x is already 6TF.
I realise that TFs aren’t everything, but that’s still a significant difference. Which makes me wonder if the 1x is ready to just slot into that “series X” line. It’s already in the name.