Brave Well done, Phil. The very definition of failing upwards. I think the most frustrating thing about it all is that it could have been utterly brilliant if they hadn’t been married to their crazy financial model. Especially with a company as famous for cancelling their own projects as Google, they were never going to persuade the number of people they needed to.
Jonbwfc Brave Brave Especially with a company as famous for cancelling their own projects as Google, they were never going to persuade the number of people they needed to. Well, this kind of isn’t helping with that reputation, tbh.
Brave DrDamn that’s true But then developers currently working on stadia exclusive games only finding out when we did, that kinda balances things back out 😉
Brave According to a new report from 9to5google, the project received initial approval but as it was intended to be a strictly single-player experience (instead of the asynchronous multiplayer in Death Stranding), the Kojima collaboration was cancelled as Google believed there was no longer a market for solo games. Despite reaching the early stages of development, the project was reportedly cancelled by Stadia’s general manager Phil Harrison in mid 2020 following the first mockups. Delicious
Alex Seen a lot of comments recently saying that the culprit in all this is Google’s promotion system, which incentivises launches above all else.
Kafkaesque Alex this is exactly why AWS has as many similar and overlapping products. I work for a company which has a lot of ex-FAANG staff and has adopted many of their practices, includes packets for bi-annual promo cycles. You can see why this happens.
Brave He managed to hang on for a good while. Despite being entirely invisible from about launch day onwards.