I think Google’s corporate structure is lots of little teams with a focus on innovation. A team will come up with something cool and then Google with try to turn it into a product. However there’s no real management buy in on a lot of these things, as soon as something isn’t making money it gets canned. With Google there doesn’t seem to be a central vision around which products are based, a reason for the product to exist rather than someone wanted to make it.
Compare that to Microsoft’s current vision and their whole unified platform backed by Azure where it doesn’t really matter what hardware you have. Every product decision Microsoft have made for the last few years can all be tied back to that singular idea. Windows as a Service, Office 365, Game Pass, Cross Saves, Cloud Gaming, it all ties in. All these Microsoft products will be around until they change direction, which given they’re making $$$ seems unlikely for many years/decades. With MS it doesn’t matter if some smallish product isn’t bringing in the mega bucks because it all enriches the central core.
Just my random thoughts.