Ha. Yeah level one runs are fun. I tried it on DS3 iirc. Upgrading weapons as quick as possible will get you surprisingly far. Still very impressive mind.
Currently in something like my 560th hour of Elden Ring. Rachel’s got even more than that now too. We’re both running new characters up to the point of the DLC.
I’ve got a ridiculous black flame build going with the godskin peeler as my main weapon. Melts most things at this point. Lots and lots of fun.
DrDamn was right too. Jolly cooperation is very easy at this point, sadly so is invasion it seems, but I’m quite surprised, I’d say invasions I’ve either been summoned into or had myself have been very easy to deal with 90% of the time. The amount of time we’ve deleted them the moment they come in has been ridiculous, and very funny.