Just for reference and also because now that I’ve read the full description we can’t not do this.
Seamless co-operative play
Simply put, the mod allows you to play with friends throughout the entirety of the game with no restrictions. With this, it’s theoretically possible to play the game from the tutorial up to the final boss completely in one co-op session.
If a player dies, they will respawn in the same world at the last bonfire they rested at. The session will not be terminated.
Defeating enemy bosses and clearing areas no longer sends co-operators home.
All fog walls/barriers that usually restrict the multiplayer zone (along with their respective teleports) are gone.
All players can use torrent (assuming they have the whistle) in a session together.
All map waypoints will synchronise, allowing you to navigate the world in a group easier.
When one player rests at a Site of Grace, the world state will reset for all players. This is necessary to prevent enemy desync.
Game progression events completed in online play will also progress the game in your own world.
Varre’s questline no longer needs invasions to progress
An overhaul to Elden Ring’s Peer-to-Peer connection system, using Steam’s newer networking API
Players are free to explore the entire game map (overworld, underground, legacy dungeons, etc.) together, and may split up if they wish.
The stake of Marika is disabled in online play, as it causes connection problems.
Quality of life improvements
Along with core function of this mod, there are a number of quality of life improvements that you might like:
As the mod runs the game with Easy Anti-Cheat disabled. You are free to use other mods (e.g. game overhauls) with your friends, provided that everyone in the party has them installed. Please be respectful to your fellow co-operators, and refrain from using mods if they are not welcome.
Frequent disconnections resulting in packet loss and bugs with Elden Ring’s implementation of Easy Anti-Cheat are no longer an issue.
A streamlined connection system means that co-operators can join the host from anywhere in the world. So even if you do disconnect, you can very quickly re-join and continue where you left off.
This mod undoubtedly makes the game much easier. The main downside to cooperative play in the base game, invasions, is not possible with this mod’s design and therefore they have not been implemented. To try and offset this and preserve the game’s challenge, mechanics have been introduced in addition to the base game’s enemy health pool increases as you would normally get with increasing phantoms:
As you can play with 3 phantoms (as opposed to the maximum of 2 in the base game), a third tier of enemy scaling has been added.
If one player sits at a bonfire while others are in boss rooms, those players will be removed from the boss rooms.
Dying during a boss battle will put your character into limbo, spectating other players until either everyone in the party has been defeated, or a player rests at a site of grace. You may use the arrow keys on your keyboard to switch between different spectator views
Dying in a cooperative session will afflict your player with rot. Rot is a stackable debuff which will increase with subsequent deaths. You can only remove rot by sitting at a Site of Grace. There are 5 different types of rot, which will be picked at random when a player dies. This has been implemented specifically to avoid one player dying over and over without any downsides, while another player stays alive to keep the enemies from respawning.
Can this ban me?
No, the mod prevents you from connecting the FromSoftware’s matchmaking servers, and it uses save files different to the non-modded game. Easy Anti-Cheat is also not active when using this mod. There’s no way to get banned using this mod unless you modify it with the intent of connecting to vanilla players.
As this mod introduces new items not found in the base game, it uses a different save file to the normal ‘.sl2’ extension. This means that you cannot access your Seamless Coop save files in the base game, and vice versa. Do not revert mod save files back to vanilla save files, as you will likely get banned.