Spent most of yesterday evening setting the damn thing up. That alone works up a sweat!
I was quite worried initially, I couldn’t find a comfortable position in the seat and the top of the seat would push my head forwards uncomfortably so. Then I realised if I undo the Velcro armrests that allows you to open the seat more to something more suitable for a 6ft person. It’s still snug in terms of seat width but once driving I didn’t notice that anymore.
Next issue was I found the wheel to be too close to my chest (even though adjusting the arm wrest straps moved it further away slightly). My arms/elbows were 90 degrees and with the forces in the wheel it was difficult to manoeuvre it to negotiate tight corners and quickly fatigued my arms. The wheel is bolted to the plate for maximum rigidity and only had one set of positioning screws for my wheel, but I then realised you can adjust the seating of the plate on the bar which swings over above your lap to be closer or further away from you. By the time I’d done that it was gone midnight so I called it a night. Fingers crossed that’ll do the trick.
Is there anything else I should know with this seat to help make it more comfortable / ergonomically sound compared to out the box?