I’ve decided to ditch mosaics for now and focus on getting good exposures on single targets without them. Mosaics tend to lead to noisier images as each section of the image gets less overall exposure.
That, combined with the fact that I figured out that the Orion Nebula pops above the rooflines for a couple of hours led to my first acceptable image. It’s almost straight out of camera, minimal tweaks inside the Seestar app, so I’ll experiment with Siril tomorrow and see what more I can bring out of it.
That was the first truly magic moment. Right from the first exposure I was really taken aback by how bright and beautiful the nebula is.
I also had a go at a nebulous star pair called o Per Cloud which I think would have worked nicely but I made the mistake of plugging in an external battery halfway through and for some reason that stopped the session. And then I had major trouble getting it to find it again.
So lesson learned, plug the power bank in from the very beginning.
I might also be looking at a Dwarf 3 telescope as I like the added flexibility it seems to offer. They’re out of stock just now though. 😉