Looks bloody impressive to be honest, Sony will have to bring their A game to compete and I’m hoping for something similar. The 1tb memory cards are interesting
Xbox Series X Discussion
Me for definite. I think the proprietary route is more about maintaining those blistering fast load times etc rather than simply making money.
They’ve been on the back foot for years in terms of hardware and I think they’re going all in on making sure that doesn’t happen again.
Agree with @Brave - they need to be proprietary to offer the functionality and features they are offering. Yes they will price gouge the units, but they aren’t necessary. You can still install X1 software on an external HDD or SSD if you want. Both MS and Sony seem to be doing something very impressive with SSD hardware and the way it is tied in with the rest of the components means it will effectively outperform PC hardware for a while. You wouldn’t get that with an external SSD over a standard interface, simply not possible.
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Full DF lowdown, they’ve been to Redmond and had hands-on with the system.
Yeah that’s the videos in drdamns link, very interesting indeed
Looks very tightly packed - hope the airflow is ok, even with a large fan.
Isn’t that green fan cover going to block the ventilation?
Fans draw air in along their axis; it’s a corkscrew (like early propellers), not sideways as in that animation.
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It’s a fan not a waterwheel!
It’s a very similar design to the old ‘wastebin’ Mac Pro. Apparently that worked extremely well, very quiet, little risk of overheating.
That’s good news. They’re also making good changes to the PC game bar. Looks like they’re getting their ducks in a row.
The parties and friends section is much better. When you open that section it shows you ‘currently happening’ front and centre, which makes it really easy to jump into an ongoing party chat with very few button presses.
Certain areas are still sluggish but then I am using my Day One Xbox One, so maybe the device hardware upgrade will see to that?
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There was an interesting article a couple of weeks back about why everyone is now using Zoom video chat rather than Skype. Ten years ago Skype was the daddy of video chat and even got added to the OED as a verb before Microsoft bought it for billions.
In the piece they talked about how Microsoft had to change the fundamental P2P nature of Skype in order to make it work better on mobile and smart devices, which introduced a level of instability to the platform.
They then responded to negative customer feedback by endlessly re-designing the UI to try and improve user experience rather than fixing the underlying issues, which had the effect of alienating their customers even more while leaving the real issues unaddressed.
Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
Edit: found the article - https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/31/21200844/microsoft-skype-zoom-houseparty-coronavirus-pandemic-usage-growth-competition
It really does. Hopefully they consolidate after this and leave it alone so folk have time to get used it.