Did I get the name right? It’s something like that anyway.
I picked this up since it’s on sale and I wanted something new to play over Xmas. It’s been great so far. Interesting story, the battle system is fast and fun, fantastic music, some incredibly weird enemy designs, actual real Scottish people voicing Scottish accents!
There’s some interesting ideas. When you reach a dungeon you can press a button and it’ll show you the party and class make up used by a dozen or so other players who beat the dungeon already. You can skip battles entirely with monsters that are lower level than you by just smacking them with your sword before they can attack you. The enemy designs are just weird as fuck (mentioned already I know but it bears repeating). The archetype (classes, basically) system reminds me of FFT a little with the way you can switch freely and (I think at least) mix and match abilities from different classes.
Anyway, great stuff if you fancy a bit of JRPG over the holidays and probably beyond if it’s anywhere near as long as the Persona games.