Still fucking furious about this. I think it’s the shittiest of all of them so far and there have been a lot. Arkane were about to release an update for Redfall this month, we’ll never know if it would have made things better now, but for me it’s the impact this will have had on people who will have thought they were being protected from this.
Tango as well. Responsible for Xbox’s one truly breakout hit in years, which coincidentally didn’t get marketed at all (maybe they should just get rid of Greenberg) and THAT’S the dev they axe? Jesus. Bethesda themselves are clearly a worse dev than Tango.
I’ve said it before, I just don’t think Microsoft (not Xbox, Microsoft) understand the industry. At a wider scale they just don’t know what to do with it or make of it. They’ve spent so much money turning themselves into effectively a publisher and ditching hardware (I know they’re still going to do that but it really is going to be niche), yet their problem has never been the hardware. They’re not producing the calibre of software, the games. That’s why the hardware side is waning. How on earth do they expect to pivot to being a publisher if they can’t do that? Buying actiblizz won’t be enough but they’re actively cutting loose the talent that could have made a difference.
I know corporations are always going to corporate but man it always infuriates me to see how beholden we all make ourselves to psychopaths.