I quite like the Ogryn, but he’s not the tank folk might think he is. He can take out a crowd rapidly, but I find he’s better behind the squad until his charge is needed. He can practically shoot over the heads of the squad anyway. Also he attracts so many bullets due to his massive size.
Zealot seems actually a bit tankier as he can charge into a crowd and start whacking them. Plus once he unlocks the flame thrower you can just devastate huge crowds. I’ve now got a fantastic hammer for mine (my fave melee weapon in gaming) that electrifies and can two shot armoured elites.
Veteran is the closest to a traditional fps gameplay style. Very much built for range. In fact Iirc his blue bar recharges if you’re at range not in close with the rest of them. I think.
Psyker, I think if you can gr0k the play style, he might be the most fun. I tried him early in the beta but I think I was trying to understand too many things about the way the game works to fully get the character. Total head popping machine though. There’s some good videos out there about that class. Well actually about all of them.
To give you an idea of how much I’ve been enjoying this. My steam play time is 35 hours or so… And I didn’t start the beta on day one.
The only games that get that sort of focus from me are the souls games, normally.