I’ll have to check, but I could swear I saw FSR 2.0 as an option in at least one of my games on the deck. The inbuilt FSR 1.0 has been impressive, but I’ve noticed in a couple of games where it can be used that it got sharper, but it also got noisy. NMS was like that. It wasn’t egregious, it’s likely that someone not trained to look for noise (or grain in the old days) would ever notice in motion, but it’s there.
Interestingly on the deck with 1.0 at least, if a game has the option in its own settings, then it’s always better to use that and not the global one built into the OS. The in game knows where important text is and doesn’t touch it at all, so you get nice original smooth, sharp letters. The global option can’t make that distinction, and so can make text worse (this is mostly an issue with games not in the official list I find, as they haven’t met the text size requirements for being verified).
It’s actually very common to see it in modern games though, so I always go that route when I can. I’d be interested to see if they implement 2.0 as a global option, and if it treats text properly.
All that said, the global option right now is still bloody good. Especially on a small screen. It’s helped me reach 60 fps a LOT.
Edit: just reread the quote. Might actually be deathloop, which runs amazingly on the deck with whatever fsr I have turned on.