Fumanstu cheers matey! I did forget to mention that 😄
It was the NGTC BTCC Mercedes. ’18 I think, although looking at the forums that’s just a reskin. They seem to think there were no upgrades on the real cars. Which is really puzzling me.
I’m trying to get an idea for how much off the pace of RL times I am and looking at the BTCC real life poles, they get much faster in 2018. I’m very much mid pack compared to the ’16/'17 times. But 18 onwards and the times jump a good two seconds and I’m not even in the pack.
I’m not saying I’m anywhere near good enough to be close in RL but it’s fun to try and get there in the game; and their insistence that the cars didn’t change from 2016 - 19 really doesn’t wash with that 2 second jump in RL, which isn’t just the pole. It’s all the way from 1st to 30th pretty much.
So at the moment I’m comparing myself to the 2017 lap times because I think they should have treated the 2018 cars as a faster separate car.
I’m probably going to move back to the first car I used. I feel like the Merc isn’t riding the kerbs in The Chicane as well as that one did.