I’ve spent ages getting distracted by secondary stuff I’ve found on the map. I’m even having to physically note down clues to possible locations from conversations with npc, as I can’t keep track of it all.
Finally though, I made headway in the critical path. Initially I got blocked because I didn’t have the glintstone key to let me into the sorcerer town/academy. I had a visual clue in the form of a drawing but couldn’t really see where it was in the map.
So I ended up getting sucked into exploring the wider area, filling in some blanks etc. There was so much of this to do that I genuinely forgot about the thing I was blocked on.
Then tonight, I remembered, looked at the clue I had and something clicked. I found the doodad I needed and now I’m making progress on finding the next boss.
Man, what a game. It is rammed. I could be playing this again and again for a very long time and still not be confident I’d seen everything.